Friday, May 4, 2012

KC's "tReining" Center - Where your horse will truly be BROKEN - YouTube

KC's "tReining" Center - Where your horse will truly be BROKEN - YouTube

People such as this, should have the same things done to them.  It's amazing to me that horse didn't pull free and leave, or rear up and throttle her, Gods know she deserved it.  These "trainers" truly need to be outed like this.  ALL OF THEM.  So very sad.....


1 comment:

  1. she has been using the same harsh and cruel techniques for years..... i guess her clients care more about their "pride" and looking good on the horse than they do about the horse itself. People who use any animal in a cruel, exreme way, will always be defeated.. whether it be in this world or the place they end up in.. remember.. God created every living thing.. and we are the caretakers of his beautiful creatures
